Company Formation Services

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Company Formation 

Evolving and more progressive global trade policies, consolidating supply chains, and global competition all mean that more businesses are looking to set up overseas to achieve their business goals. This also means more businesses are navigating unfamiliar territories, with their own regulatory and compliance challenges.

Integra Group provides company registration, management, and administration services for investors looking to establish a business. In certain jurisdictions where special licenses or compliance measures are required, we assist businesses in obtaining necessary permits and complying with all the relevant laws and legislature. 

We combine local knowledge with decades of experience working with large multinationals to deliver meaningful insights to corporations looking to do business in the region. We understand the interconnected relationship between the bureaucratic and business environment and how it might impact our client’s business, such as when opening bank accounts or handling cross border transactions. Integra Group is committed to delivering quality insights and guidance from start to finish to give foreign investors the support they need to succeed. 

Our corporate establishment professionals are also experts in FDI law in their local jurisdiction. Using our local knowhow and experience, we help you navigating FDI legislature to make decisions that benefit your business in the long run. 

We also provide in-depth tax analysis of different legal structures as well as insights into locations, bank account opening and procedures, necessary licenses and help client liaise with local government authorities.


Learn more about Setup a business in China, click here.
Learn more about Setup a business in Hong Kong, contact us.
Learn more about Setup a business in Singapore, contact us 

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