Accounting & Tax


Reminder for the 2023 Annual IIT Reconciliation

In China, the months from March to June are busy for the annual reconciliation of individual income tax (IIT). You will find key information for your reference in this article.


An Overview of PRC Tax System and Administration(2023 Updated)

To maximize return on investment and minimize risks, it’s crucial for investors to have a comprehensive understanding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) tax system and the associated costs before making the final investment decisions.

hiring employees

Cost of Hiring Employees in China 2023

China has the largest labor market in the world and has long been a strategic location for many manufacturers and labor-intensive industries to set up operations. However, as the Chinese economy continues to grow and wages rise, so does the cost of hiring in China.

Tax Planning in China 2023: Methods and Preferential Policies

Whether a multinational corporation with operations in various countries or an early-stage business, businesses are naturally concerned about the amount of tax they pay. Businesses aim to achieve greater tax efficiencies and improve cash flow through effective tax planning.

China Extends Personal Income Tax Benefits for Expats Until 2027

China will extend preferential tax policies for foreign nationals working in the country until the end of 2027.

The China Market Entry Handbook (2023 Edition)

Navigate the Complexities of China’s Market with Confidence

Selling to China – Setting Up, Tax Implications and Profit Repatriation

In a recent webinar, Mr. Pierre Wong, Managing Director of the Integra Group, imparted invaluable insights on navigating business expansion in China, understanding the intricate landscape of tax complexities, and executing effective strategies for profit repatriation.

Registered Capital in China: What is it and How Much do I Need?

A complete overview of the registered capital in China and its implications for Foreign Invested Enterprises in China. Read more.

China Rolling Back Tax Exempt Benefits for Expats in 2022

Effective Jan. 1st. 2020, China will roll-back tax-exempt benefits for expats. It expected many will face a higher tax liability.

Changes to Tax Calculation for Annual Bonuses in China 2022

Starting in 2022, employees will no receive a special tax incentive for their annual bonus in China.

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